Monday, July 15, 2013

Saving my corner of the world.

I like to garden, because I can see the results of my work.
I like to teach High School music, because I can dream about the results of my work.

Lately, it seems like the bad guys have been winning.  I have tried to accept or ignore the results of the Trevon Martin case, but really, I am extremely disturbed that a grown man could shoot a kid and face no consequences. I council my students to trust in the system, and why shouldn't I?  The system has worked for me.  I have a job and life I love and the system has kept me safe and cared for.   It is hard not to believe that that system just totally screwed a young man and his family in favor of a over zealous, gun toting idiot.  Trevon could have been one of my students, and it is my job to protect and educate my kids, and the idea of that incident happening to any one of them makes my chest tighten.

So when the baby went for a nap, I decided to take out my own zealous anger on the weeds.  I chose a corner and got to work.  I began at 5:00 pm, and finished at 6:16.
Here is what I started with:
Here is the result of my hour's worth of agressive weeding, staking the asparagus plants, and removing the debris from this unkept corner of my garden.
I was even rewarded with a small basket of potatoes I had forgotten to dig up last summer.  We boiled them with fake meatballs for dinner, and they were good!

The baby continued to sleep, and I was still pissed off,  so I drank a glass of water and  decided to take out more frustration on the far corner of my garden.  This one was where I had planted small garlic. 
I tied up the raspberries, weeded like crazy, and harvested the garlic.  Here is my result: after another hour and 15 minutes. (When the baby awoke, my most amazing husband tended to him... don't worry!)
I felt no need to go to they gym, had the makings of dinner, and my thoughts were a bit more straight. 

I know that nature will do its own makeover in time.  The weeds will creep up and try to take over my beds, and the raspberries will get unruly,  but for now I have saved 2 corners of the world.

Next week, I will take a few students to Drum Line camp, and dream that they will learn some skills necessary to save their own corners of the world too.

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