Saturday, March 7, 2009

Locally grown organic foods?

I feel like this journey is a bit like driving by a car accident.
You know what is going to be there. You know you don't want to look. You try to keep both hands on the wheel and your eyes straight ahead, but it almost never works.

Sometime when I was very young, and I realised where meat came from, I began to pretend that it grew on trees. When this failed, I told my mother that I was now a Vegetarian. She laughed and figured it was a phase. I am now 30, and my phase still isn't over. I truly believe that some people can't be healthy with out the animal protein that meat provides, and I respect that. I also know that some people just enjoy meat too much to give it up, and I respect that too. (I feel that way about musical instruments.) For me, I just feel better with out meat.

I'm beginning to have this same realisation about how vegetables and fruit are grown.
It turns out, when food is really cheap, grown by machines instead of people, and laden with chemicals, we suffer dire consequences. Obesity, plaque on our arteries, Cancer , not to mention environmental changes that make me re-consider having children, because I worry about the world we will leave them.

Not to mention, we are loosing touch.
Last summer,I grew a Brussel sprout plant. Because I had never actually seen a brusselsprout plant, I couldn't imagine where the Brussel sprouts were... until about August when I found them under the leaves.

The more I learn about how our food is created, the more items I cross off my grocery list, or label only when in season.

We have begun eating asparagus nightly...because it is in season now.

I bought a bread maker today... from a thrift store.

My tomato plants have 2 true leaves.
I know we are all just trying to evolve, but for me to do so, I think I have to go back to my roots.

Tomorrow, I'm going to plant shoots of Garlic... I can't imagine where the garlic bulbs will come out of... Don't tell me. Let it be a surprise.

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