Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cotyledons! Look Cotyledons!!

My lavenders have sprouted! Well some of them have anyway and I have to say that I am a proud planter. So here is the scoop:

The Fernleaf lavender have 2 really healthy cotyledons and are about an inch tall.
The Pink lavender are tiny, and their cotyledons aren't open yet.
The Ice and Mundstead lavender both look like they might like to sprout, but are really too tiny to tell.
and the Hidcote give nothin. No indication of life, no rumblings yet, nothing.

So, when the plant comes to life from seed, the first set of leaves are called cotyledons. These are not what the plant will look like at all. They are the leaves that lived in the seed and will feed it while it is growing. They are kind of like baby teeth in that they will fall off when the plant no longer needs them. They say that when you are putting the plants into bigger pots, always hold onto these leaves because if you crush them, the world won't end for the plant. If you crush it's stem the plant will probably die, which really would be tragic.

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